Multi-Discipline Engineering Collaboration

Quite often in my career I have received data requests from engineering specialists in other disciplines. Another skill that I developed was to work with the requester to understand how data I provided would be used and what questions they were trying to answer for their own customer.

Over time, I have honed this skill such that I can anticipate further questions if I were to answer only the bare minimum of the request.  I then elect to include additional analyses which is still relevant to the original request. Even if the increased workload is part of an already large data request, I never wavered from my high standards on the accuracy of my analyses or the amount of detail I provided. 

Even if the requester is only looking for numerical results, I have gone the extra mile to analyze the data and provide insight and conclusions to help the requester understand the impacts of the various scenarios or configurations they requested. This is especially important because it prevents the requester from making incorrect assumptions with data that are not as familiar to them as they are to me.


Presenting In-person To Diverse Audiences


Technical Reporting