“I feel the need, the need for speed!”


I helped make the 2022 film TOP GUN: Maverick, possible! This film is the sequel to the famous 1986 TOP GUN, in which two Naval aviators are given the chance to train at the elite US Navy’s Fighter Weapons School. My grandfather gave me the first TOP GUN movie on VHS when I was six years old, and it played a significant role in inspiring me to become an aerospace engineer. You can imagine the excitement I felt to be a part of the sequel’s development as a practicing aerospace engineer!

I played an instrumental role by estimating the drag of several large cameras that were mounted externally on the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fuselage and underwing pylons. I provided aircraft performance data as an addendum to the flight manual and signed flight clearances to ensure airworthiness and safety of flight. My efforts allowed the aircrew to accurately predict fuel usage during filming, which was critical for safety due to the high-performance maneuvers needed for the film that were not fuel efficient. 

What an amazing project to work on, it was one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities! Please enjoy these photos taken from the actual cameras that I cleared!


Ship Trip: A Proper Navy Experience


Conformal Fuel Tanks to Give Super Hornet Longer Legs & Extend Navy’s Force Projection