Aircraft Compatibility Testing with Next Gen Supercarriers


As the new “Ford” class of supercarriers came online in 2020, I played an instrumental role in certifying updates to the flight manual that included changes to catapult launch settings for the Super Hornet and Growler aircraft. 

The “Ford” class is the next generation of nuclear powered aircraft carriers named after former U.S. President Gerald Ford. These aircraft carriers are equipped with the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS), which is a new aircraft catapulting system powered by electromagnetism as opposed to steam on existing catapults. 

The airworthiness approval that I provided in the flight clearance was important in allowing aircrew to train safely with the new settings that came with this aircraft launching system. My efforts will help benefit the Naval fleet because they will be provided with a more reliable and accurate system that we deemed to be compatible with the Super Hornet and Growler.


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