

I have come to recognize that I am someone who needs to help advance society in a significant way. You may have heard me say this before here, but I want to see others benefit from my efforts. I want this so much that, in fact, I envision it: I can help people reach their full potential and realize anything is possible. I see it in the form of a slight smile of relief on their faces, but I can also feel their contentment and ease.

Seeing others benefit from my efforts happens to line up seamlessly with the 2nd half of my life purpose, which is to help us experience a state of limitless possibility. But what is the means by which I can help others? Through much reflection, I have come to realize that communication is the answer to how I serve the whole in this regard.

Communication must continue to move forward with me in all aspects of my life and career. When I became an engineer, it didn’t take me long to realize that communication was just as vital to the job as the technical aspects. An engineer who can use data to make decisions or provide technical counsel is far more effective than a brighter engineer who cannot. Decisions are often made by those without technical backgrounds, and they are relying on my ability to make sense of technical data and convey conclusions and recommendations in a meaningful way. Therefore, I believe communication is the main way I can impact other people.

I feel I have always had an intrinsic motivation to communicate technical content and conclusions to non-technical audiences. This is because it is an aspect of my life's purpose that has been with me all along: helping others so we can experience limitless possibility together.




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